
W2 Immunomodulation

Prof. Luciana Berod – Institute for Molecular Medicine, University Medical Center Mainz
Metabolism is tightly regulated across scales: in each cell type, organ and organism. In turn, metabolic processes and their (by)-products have substantial impact on cellular and organ functions; thereby affecting all research fields from neurology, immunology, endocrinology, oncology to cardiovascular research. Interdisciplinary research on metabolism will help to understand crucial mechanisms of adaptation, resilience and longevity, the key aspects of ReALity. The Seahorse Analyzer funded by ReALity will provide the basis of a live-cell metabolic platform open to all ReALity researchers. The expertise of Prof. Luciana Berod and her team will be essential to establish SOPs required for various cell types of interest and scientific research questions. Together with Prof. Tenzer (FZI, Institute Immunology), the Lipidomics Unit (Prof. Beat Lutz/Dr. Bindila, Institute of Physiological Chemistry) and the Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis (Prof. Ruf), the metabolic research platform with its focus on immunometabolism will reinforce the metabolism thematic for quantitative biomedicine in Mainz.