ReALity Innovation Fund
Call of applications
Building on scientific strengths, the ReALity Initiative aims to foster the interfaces between the existing focus areas and develop a sustainable and coherent concept concerning Resilience, Adaptation and Longevity research in the life sciences in Mainz. Towards this goal, we will support efforts that link molecules to cells and organisms, define system interactions across organs, link cellular and animal models with probands and patients, and develop computational tools that integrate systems data across scales. Successful applications will establish a clear link to these themes, interconnect focus areas and broadly support ReALity goals with visible results within the next 3-4 years. Project proposals have to demonstrate originality, interdisciplinary nature, innovation and a clear path to delivering excellence in one of the following thematic areas that were defined during the 2020 workshops and associated discussions:
- Understanding responses to system specific decline
- Defining intrinsic and environmental challenges to healthy aging
- Exploring system robustness and cellular plasticity as a resilience mechanism
- Identifying vulnerable cellular and molecular interactions in aging
- Deciphering how interventions targeting one system influence other systems